A New Adventure

I wish Bible stories were a little longer. Noah’s adventure on the ark tells everything I need to know about the world before, during, and after the Flood. It tells everything I need to know, but there is a lot I would like to know that isn’t mentioned. Nothing important is left out, but a lot of unimportant but interesting stuff could be added in.

The Bible covers the whole history of the planet, and across every story and topic in the Bible there is only room for the abridged version. The first 2000 years 1 of history, a third of all of world history, fits into just the first 11 chapters of the first book. That’s 33% of world history in less than 1% of the Bible.

It’s true, the Bible isn’t a history book, though it does cover world history from beginning to end.

The Bible isn’t an atlas, but more than a fourth of the books discuss geography.

The Bible isn’t about politics, even if one in three books have stories about priests, kings, and political intrigue.

The Bible isn’t about architecture, but nearly a tenth of the books have some part, occasionally whole chapters, with details of buildings.

The Bible isn’t about any of these subjects in particular, but it deals with all of them. In turn, things discovered in the last century in these other areas can help to bring the Bible into better focus. All the important information is there, but now, maybe, we can understand it a little better.

WiderBible is a podcast about hidden links and new discoveries. Whether it’s physics and history showing how the Flood might have changed the length of the year, 2 a new look at Egyptian history to find a possible statue of Joseph, or just connecting the dots on the legacy of the last good king of Judah, WiderBible cross-references history, science, and technology to see what new things we can learn about some very old stories.

WiderBible is about the Bible, the stories, and the bits of those stories I’d like to know more about. It’s time to see what’s hiding in the shadows.

1. Jones, F.N. (2015). Chronology of the Old Testament (p. 278). Master Books.

2. Ibid. (p. 225)
